The Famous Teddy Z
7.5 评分
电视剧 | 美国 | 更新至0集 / 共20集 | 30分钟

Ted Zakalokis' family has a bakery and it has always been assumed that he would one day work there. But that's not what he wants to do. So to avoid that he enlists in the army and after getting out, he gets a temporary job working in the mail room of a Hollywood talent agency under Richie Herby. Now most of the people who work in the mail room are hoping that one of the agents will need a new secretary thus paving the way for them to be agents themselves. One of these persons is Laurie Parr, who Teddy tries to hit on but is shut down. While there he meets Abe Werkfinder, the head of the agency and basically a nice guy. He also meets Al Floss, the quintessential agent, oily, sneaky, deceptive. One day one his clients is arriving and he instructs Richie to meet him cause he doesn't want any of the other "mail room" people making a move on his client. Richie, not wanting to give him the satisfaction, sends Teddy instead. Now the man is arrogant, and pompous, he picks a fight with Teddy, ...

导演: Max TashRichard Dubin休·威尔逊Frank Bonner
状态: 未上映
原始语言: 英语
关键词: 电视剧喜剧
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